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distinctCount (Aggregate Function)

This returns the count of distinct occurrences for a given arg.


    <LONG> distinctCount(<INT|LONG|DOUBLE|FLOAT|STRING> arg)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
argThe object for which the number of distinct occurences needs to be counted.INT LONG DOUBLE FLOAT STRINGNoYes


insert into barStream
select distinctcount(pageID) as count
from fooStream;

distinctcount(pageID) for the following output returns 3 when the available values are as follows.

  • WEB_PAGE_1
  • WEB_PAGE_1
  • WEB_PAGE_2
  • WEB_PAGE_3
  • WEB_PAGE_1
  • WEB_PAGE_2

The three distinct occurrences identified are WEB_PAGE_1, WEB_PAGE_2, and WEB_PAGE_3.