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Unique (window)

This window is used with a namespace such as unique:windowName. The window retains and processes unique events based on the given parameters.

deduplicate (Stream Processor)Duplicate events are removed based on the unique.key arriving in time.interval.
ever (Window)Retains latest events based on the unique keys.
externalTimeBatch (Window)Tumbling time window holds the latest events based on unique.key and various parameters for time.
first (Window)Retain first set of unique events based on unique.key.
firstLengthBatch (Window)Tumbling window holds window.length unique events based on unique.key
firstTimeBatch (Window)A batch-time or tumbling window that holds the unique events based on unique.key and sliding time period window.time with time offset defined by parameter start.time
length (Window)A sliding length window that holds the latest unique events base in unique.key.
lengthBatch (Window)This is a batch (tumbling) window that holds window.length number of latest unique events.
time (Window)This is a sliding time window that holds the latest unique events that arrived during window.time.
timeBatch (Window)This is a batch (tumbling) time window that is updated with the latest events based on unique.key tumbling time period window.time and time offset start.time.
timeLengthBatch (Window)The window tumbles upon the elapse of the time window window.time, or when a number of unique events have arrived i.e. window.length.



CREATE STREAM DriverChangeStream (trainID STRING, driver STRING);

INSERT expired events INTO PreviousDriverChangeStream
SELECT trainID, driver
FROM DriverChangeStream WINDOW UNIQUE:EVER(trainID);